That's right, the move is official. This blog will remain here, but no further updates will be made. Follow me over to and update your feed readers, as well.
Thanks for your patience as I got settled into my new home. And just a reminder, some of the links in old images on this blog are broken due to the moving around - if you are trying to access images, try using amy-beth.smugmug instead of amybethphotography in their url.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
The blog of Chicago Photographer Amy Beth Photography has moved!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Moving Time! will be undergoing a face lift and a server change in the coming weeks. Please watch the blog, which will remain at until after the move, for any updates.
Please note: while some links may be broken during the switch, all of your galleries will remain in place and accessible. You can either visit the site by following the link: and navigating to your gallery, or by simply replacing with in any private links you may have been provided with in the past. All passwords remain the same, and all phone and email contact information will stay the same, as well. If you need any assistance in finding your galleries or navigating during the transition, please feel free to contact me at any time!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Gina DeConti Family Session!

spinning in the garden

playing on the lawn

just LOVE the joy on Gina's face in this one

walking to the fountains

the beautiful family :-)

Friday, June 18, 2010
Kelly + Brian's Real Wedding | Elmhurst, IL Wilder Mansion Wedding Photography

How can you not love a couple who brings their pup to the first glance?

One of Lacie's lovely captures

D at 9 Months | Chicago Baby Photography