Monday, July 28, 2008

Apple River Canyon

Sunday morning, I woke up early to make the two hour drive to Apple River Canyon State Park in Apple River, IL. En route, I actually wished I had gotten up a bit earlier so that I could have stopped and photographed some of the barns and farms in the gorgeous early morning light and still ensured I would meet the photography group on time. Ah well, I learned for next time!

A few of the trails were pretty demanding, and huffing and puffing did not lend itself to low light, hand held photography. I did manage to capture a few images that made the trip well worth it.

The canyon wall


Queen Anne's Lace

Wild flower


Salty Grapes said...

Love that "FOREVER" carving!!!

Hey, where are the show submissions?! =)

Hot Potato said...

Hey Amy, Wow. I agree, that "Forever" photo is really cool. It seems like there's something deeply philosophical in that picture about people's desire to dig into the earth and make a mark to show they were there.

It reminds me a little bit of that scene in The Shawshank Redemption where Brooks carved "Brooks was here" onto the rafter.

I found your blog on the Beep blog community listing. We're on there too. Our blog is Hot Potato. Please check it out and post a comment to let us know what you think. Here's the link

Nice work, and thanks.

Kristie Larsen Photography said...

I too love that "Forever" sign!